• CFX Concert Piano

Garritan and Abbey Road Release CFX Concert Grand

CFX Concert Grand is a new virtual piano instrument by Garritan and Abbey Road Studios.

The CFX Concert Grand was exclusively recorded in Abbey Road Studio One using some of the finest microphones and equipment in Abbey Road Studios. The nine foot Yamaha CFX Concert Grand is one of the latest additions to Abbey Road Studios. It is known for its wide palette of tonal colors and the ability to create very subtle expressive nuances.

Garritan Abbey Road CFX Concert Grand comes with three discrete microphone perspectives:

Classic – captures the natural tonal character, clarity and nuance of the CFX

Contemporary – produces a bright and brilliant sound with definitive attack from the hammers

Player – delivers the unique experience of playing from the piano bench in Studio One.

CFX Concert Grand comes on a USB flash drive in a special edition box. A full-color booklet explains about the piano, the recording processes, and equipment used during recording. It has 2 installation configurations directly from the flash drive:

Full all three microphone perspectives at full quality. This takes up approximately 67 GB on your hard disk.

Compact contains compact versions of all three perspectives with reduced amount of samples. This is great for those with less available hard drive space. This version takes up around 33 GB of drive space.

CFX Concert Grand is avilable now for Windows and Mac OS X for US $326.22 or €235.35. More information can be found on Time and Space’s website.
